Saturday, March 24, 2007


Reflection, I find, is the best way to get an overview of your life and to put yourself in the position to take control of the situation. For now, though, what reflections?

I'm going to write a story!


The boy lay there on the warm sand of the beach, taking in and relishing the scene which lay before him; the gentleness of the waves rushing in, the warmth of the sun on his face, the puffy clouds which dotted the blue sky.

His father sitting down beside him.

His father had satisfaction printed all over his face, but still a hint of unhappiness. His father, noticing his gaze, smiled at him. His father's smile was radiant, and he let himself busk in the moment. His father was the only person in the world who made him feel safe, and he loved his father. He would give anything to make him happy, to make him smile. He sat up and hugged his father, wanting to feel his father hug back.

Only that his father did not hug back.

The boy retracted himself from his father's arms, feeling mildly confused at his father's reaction. He looked up at his father's face, half hoping that his father would smile at him and hug him back, to reassure him that everything was fine. He wanted to feel needed and he wanted to feel loved. He wanted to feel safe.

None of that happened.

Instead, a look of pain filled his father's face momentarily, but to him it felt like forever. His dad was staring at him now, and he suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

"Tell me, my son, do you love me?"
"Yes, Dad. I love you more than anything."

The pain on his father's face intensified. He was confused. He wanted to make that pain on his father's face go away, but what was he to do? He was the one who caused the pain, he was sure.

"Dad, I'd do anything to make you happy. Tell me what I can do to make you happy."

His father gazed dreamily at him.

"Leave me alone here, son. Go into the house and help your mother out."

With that his father turned away, and not another word was said. The boy, close to tears, went into the house and did as he was told.

That night, his father kept absolutely silent. His mother was too busy, ostensibly, to sense that something was wrong. The night was spent gazing into empty space. No stars hung in the sky. The boy, feeling completely at a loss, fell asleep crying.

He awoke to find his mother sitting at the dining table with a note in her hand, shaking unconrollably in her tears.

"I am sorry. I cannot stay here anymore. I'm suffocating." The note read.

His mother, noticing him, began to shout.

"IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU. ALL I EVER WANTED WAS HIS LOVE, BUT YOU CAME ALONG AND TOOK IT AWAY FROM ME. GO AWAY." She shouted in frustration, reaching out and slapping the boy on the face.

It hurt.

Now that Dad was gone, who was going to love him? He had no one else to turn to except his mother.

"Ma, I love you. Please don't do this. Dad will come back."

Something appeared within him, an anger which he had never felt before. He suppressed it and ran out of the house. Away to God knows where.

Dad will be back soon. I know it.

A day passed. He was sure that his father would be back by the end of the week.
A week passed. Maybe a month?
A month passed. Would he come for my birthday?
His birthday passed. I am sure he'd be back for christmas.
Christmas passed. Would he come back at all?

Day by day the boy grew, and the wound grew deeper each day. Friends in school taunted him, telling him his father was either in prison or dead. They made him cry so much, but he did not act in retaliation. He felt powerless and vulnerable.

The boy soon grew to hate his father.

Who was he to abandon me? How could he have allowed me to go through so much pain if he loved me? One day I am going to be powerful and famous, and he will come back and beg for forgiveness.

"I will make him regret his decision." He said out loud.
"Now who said I didn't regret it?" A voice came from behind him. He turned around to see a familiar figure standing before him.

It was his father.

He looked upon the man who stood right before him with contempt. He was the one who had caused him so much pain and suffering.

Make him pay.
"You hate me, don't you?"
"I love you, son."
"I hate you."
"I deserve that for what I have done. I'm sorry."
Tears came from his father's eyes. Crocodile tears.
"Tell me why you left me then."
"I could not live here anymore. I was suffocating. Everyone else was killing me... I'm back now, aren't I?"
"You could have taken me along with you."
"I couldn't. You have your future here in this place. I could not take that away from you."
"I don't believe you."

Silence fell between the both of them.

Suddenly he felt weak. The rage inside him died. He threw himself into his father's arms, tears strewn across his face.

"I missed you so much, Dad. I love you."


Methinks this story is kinda far-fetched. :D

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