Saturday, May 13, 2006


Religion is one huge topic in today's world. It concerns almost everyone, if not everyone, in this world. Most of this is due to the fact that we, as humans, require a medium through which we can actually find peace, or something like that.

When people go for some time without religion, two things can be their outcome.

Either they live a godless life, or they find the need of a religion in their lives. The latter is a more common case, which leads me to the conclusion that it is the cause of the rising of religious groups in China.

Religion is a strong word, and a pretty sensitive topic among people too. Sex and religion, both belong to the most sensitive topics of discussion in the present Asian society. I cannot refer these as sensitive topics in the "open" Western countries. Hey, who were the ones who drew the comic that sparked off so many riots in the Muslim countries?

Religion is very open nowadays. In the past, ancient people literally ate, drank, and breathed religion. Their lives revolved around religion. Whatever they did, they kept to their religions. They kept their sacraments, they worship everyday, they do everything that they hear in the synagogues. They meditate, they sing hymns, they worship in a humble manner. Humility, the thing which, sad to say, few people have. To make matters worse, not many people really care about humility.

No offence to anyone, but true worship is not rock-concert style. Neither is it a party, and neither is it a medium through which you can get high on.

Religion is not physical. People often mistake the overwhelming physical and mental feelings as spiritual euphoria. No, no and no.

Blessed are the poor in spirit. (for definition, see archive March 2006)

Blessed are those who mourn.

Blessed are the meek.

Now tell me, how many people realise the lack of spiritualilty in their lives? How many people actually mourn for their own lack of spirituality?

Most importantly, how many people in this world today humbles themselves?

How many people can live their lives without any attachment to this world?

Sad to say, I myself am pretty much attached to this world, but I keep wishing that one day I can be rid of all the devilries of this world. No home, no belongings. Taking my footsteps to wherever the Lord would lead me. Give my all to those in need.

How I wish.

We often forget the importance of true religion, true worship. All people care about are whether the songs they sing are pleasing to the ears. Whether the worship service was fun. People, I tell you.


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