Sunday, May 7, 2006

the chosen eight.

I recently read the quote, "lead a life worthy of someone's pen". In retrospect, my life is apparently not in the least interesting at all. I am a student, I study, I go home, I sleep. Oh yeah, I eat and drink too. How could my life be worthy of anyone's pen?

I admit that I am what you would call a "weirdo". I probably suffer from depression, often going for days and days on end without even a smile. I think my life is a mess, and I often leave home for an hour just to sit alone at the playground murmuring to myself like an weary old man, sometimes even speaking aloud in lament. Somehow it helps, but that's just me.

I've come upon many strangers in my so-called "ventures" who called me "crazy". Well, more often than not, they say "siao". Depends on which language or dialect you want to use on me, all these people think along the same line, and they are probably right.

I am crazy. But wait.

There is one part of my life worthy of someone's pen. Just one part.

The journey of the chosen eight.

It was indeed a fruitful journey, worthy of reminiscence, and I sincerely thank God for this blessing He had bestowed upon me. Not many people have the priviledge of experiencing something as profound as what we have shared.

Not just the kinship we shared with each other as brothers, but also the satisfaction of loving something so deeply it hurt just to take you out of a game.

I wonder how the writer would begin the story?

"Before he knew it, he was part of the team, but little did he know of the wonderful journey in life that would unfold gracefully over the four years that awaited him. He would emerge a changed person."

Wouldn't be too bad for an introductory sentence eh?

We have experienced much through the years, the pains of early knockout to the elation of winning a championship. Missing the top 4 by one run during sec 1, champions in sec 2, top 8 in sec 3, and 3rd place in sec 4. A colourful picture?

You bet it is.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I had not chosen softball as a CCA. Would I have aced my studies instead? Or would I end up a fool, living in ignorance? No one knows, but I feel that the experience I had with CH Softball was truly worth more than all the "A"s you can get in your examinations.

I wouldn't give the experience up for that all elusive 6A1s for the O's. Besides, maybe I would even get that 6 points at the end of this year, who knows? If I keep going at this pace I'm going now, I would be ready for A levels by December.

Alright, I overrated myself. So what?

Come to think of it, everything is going as fast as it came.

Have you ever lay down and looked at the stars? You raise your hand and reach for it, and it feels as if it is within your reach.

It is the same with your dreams. Just believe, and keep chasing it. For all you know, it is within reach after all.

And we come to the part where the writer ends the chapter with a smile on his face.

" 'Adios, mate', he said as he walked away, his shadow fading into the horizon as the sun set upon the earth.

'Goodbye.' "

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