Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I've been running, trying to be one who sees
I've been working, salvation out on my knees
There is nothing better than knowing
That we are redeemed
Unbelieving trusting in creative hands,
I am praying for our world to bow to your plan
And this one thought is unmistakable
I take up my cross and follow you Lord

When you stand the tall trees and mountains bow
When you speak the fiercest of oceans is still
And I see the sinner seek devotion
The lost become chosen, and I fall to my knees

Unforgiven, my savior who did not deserve death
He was blameless and I was lost in shamefulness
Undelivered, but it doesn't seem right
Unless I keep my eyes focused on the savior who gave his live
In the middle of a world that denies it believes
It is breaking apart at the very seams
There is one thing to be alive for
And it's to take up my cross and follow you Lord

I will take up my cross and follow Lord where you lead me
And I will take up my cross and follow wherever you go


This song really meant a lot to me, in three aspects of my life.

First one, YES I've been running, check out the first line of the lyrics. HAHA. I never really knew that running could feel so great. I love night runs especially! Can last longer :D I don't know why but the discipline to run every night has somehow found its way into my head. I've been running everyday and I've been running for longer durations and to further places! (woots today I ran to AJC and back from Bishan!) Sense of achievement with every barrier crossed... Hurrah!

Okay, secondly, devotion in terms of friendship and family! I have been going through some rough patches lately with certain people in my life (yes buddy to be honest and if you didn't know, which I really doubt it, you're the person who affected me the most D: hahah), and it is indeed a lesson for me to learn that all storms will not last. I just need a degree of devotion, of love, to the person, and a teeny weeny bit of faith to hang on. (NOTE: remember that the Bible says a teeny weeny bit of faith is all it takes to move mountains!) Well, I've moved uhh, a kind of mountain I think. I've managed to weather through the storm thanks to God! He's removed the barrier finally and I really really feel so thankful for that. My Block Tests are coming soon though... Hope that it won't become another barrier! Still need a bit of space to breathe >.< ..

The third and most important one would be devotion in my walk with God!! Check out the bridge of the song:

I will take up my cross and follow Lord where you lead me
And I will take up my cross and follow wherever you go

Last post I posted about TUMC right? Still remember what it means? It means "Taking Up My Cross"! Anyway, this parallel in the lyrics and the significance of the exact same words in my life reeeeeally meant a lot to me (which is why the song got 5 twinkling stars on my recently acquired iPod! Plus, it sounds good anyway hahah.) SO yeah. Devotion to God. You know why we need to be devoted? Because God did it first for us! Quotes "Send Me" by Planet Shakers:

Send me, I will go
Send me, I will go
To this city
To this nation
And to the nations of the world

Thats the kind of devotion we need in every aspect of our lives!! Anyway, I shall end my post here, for fear of the early morning flu bug or something. Tell your parents you love them okay! Bye :D

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