Wednesday, September 27, 2006


R5 of 10 points. No L1 yet. Should I be sad or happy? I've more than halved my L1R5 of prelim 2, but am I satisfied?


First thing, I still lost to Gaw. Bleh. He's half of my score. Guess he'll be my schoolmate (maybe classmate) next year. Depends on whether he wants to go.

Anyway, who cares? Just smile and go on with life, no matter what happens. I find that problems just sublime when you smile. Not to say that it makes your life much more colourful.

When you smile, you see the better side of everything. You begin to take notice of the wonders which we fail to see normally. You see the beauty of the trees around; you feel the freshness of the air as you breathe; you hear the beautiful sounds of life; you taste that awesome meal.

As for me, I begin to look for stars. Just a weird habit.

Every night I would look up to the heavens, hoping to find the glitter of a star in the midst of the darkness. For six days running, I have not seen a star. Sad. Whenever I see a star, though, I would smile. Why? I honestly do not know, but somehow seeing stars up there in the sky empowers me. Maybe I'm an alien, Star=power source. Who knows?

On days when I cannot see stars, though, I still smile when I look up into the sky. I may not be able to see the stars in the sky, but I am certain that they are up there somewhere.

So it is with life. Not only should you smile and give thanks when good things happen to you. God works in ways we cannot see, and even though the future seems bleak, smile and give thanks.

"Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked will I depart.
The LORD gave and the Lord has taken away;
may the name of the LORD be praised"

This verse has given me "enlightenment" indeed. For what does it matter if a friend does not accept your friendship? Love anyway. Still treat them as your friends, even when they do not see you as one. Care for them; pray for them. Keep smiling.

For true love is unconditional. The love between friends; the love between family members; anything. Unconditional giving of what you have.

After all, you are just a short-lived candle. Your fire would be extinguished one day, but at least you've spread it to others. What are you? Your days on Earth are numbered, so why not make each day count?

So everyone out there reading this, please. Begin to love everyone around you.

What if tomorrow never comes? Would you have any regrets?

I am praying for you.

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