Saturday, April 1, 2006

beatitude no.3

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Such goes the third beatitude, the topic of today's sermon. As of every beatitudes sermon, Rev Phua was preaching.

So, what is the definition of being meek?

Firstly, meekness goes along the identical connotations of being poor in spirit. Truth to be told, I missed out on the link while taking the notes down. Maybe you could help?

Secondly, being meek is not just to be compromising on the surface. In fact it requires much more complex things. Meekness requires character. Characters that are desirable by God's standards!

In today's society, people are educated based along the lines of the "survival of the fittest". Even though competition is essential for development, this "survival of the fittest" truly undermines the true meaning of meekness. Being meek, by the present society's standards, is a sign of weakness; a sign that portrays the uncompetitiveness in the particular individual. But wait. If the "survival of the fittest" truly applies to us. Why do lambs still exist? They are totally defenceless, aye? The answer to the question, is that God protects them.

I wrote in my notes, "Being meek ain't being weak! It's just about being susceptible to negative changes around you which are caused by others, without any violent reactions." Indeed, my phrasing does carry a certain magnitude of error, but I certainly wish that the message is sent across through the two sentences. One more thing, the meek are righteous and just.

Being meek truly ain't being weak. People who trust that God protects them, turns the other cheek for others to hit. This trust is the key factor to true meekness. Those who retaliate are, in fact, the ones who show signs of weaknesses.

Anger. Just one simple word, yet it can cause disastrous effects. Anger, which sad to say, few are able to suppress, will eventually lead to inclinations towards evil deeds. Somehow, it is actually not wrong to say that anger is one of the roots of evil. Just look in the newspapers and tell me. Has there been a day when no one commits crimes through anger?

You may question, "Hey! Jesus was angry when He saw the people settling transactions in the sanctuary!" Well, anger is necessary sometimes. ONLY for the right cause. Not because your brother ate your share of doughnuts, and not because your sister called you some names. You dig?

Anyways, Pastor Luke left me with some food for thought. He joined our class this morning and phew. His questions were thought-provoking and truly insightful. Very nice!

I don't know why, today's service felt exceptionally good. I was full of smiles, and I could not find a reason for that, but yeah. I am going to be early for every service. I want to experience the elation again.

That joy, that feeling. How I wish.


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