Sunday, November 10, 2013


Swallow your dreams; take it like a man. That is what they say; all the time.

But when the world brings you but unknowns and variables, the strongest men wilt and the tides of change sweep us off our feet. The world knows not what it does.

Do you?

They say the winds of change can be harvested, the sands of time calmed. They promise you the sky and beyond, when they know not what they promise of. Trust, you can. Hurt, you also can. Know, can you know?

They tell you a million things, a billion things, all about your life and the world around you. They tell you what you want to know; rather they tell you what to want. They tell you what a good life means and they tell you what you need.

They know not of your heart, the yearnings of your soul, and the hunger in your veins. The stream of hope and love, of legendary passion, of a miracle merely unlived. What future awaits us, had this stream been freely flowing?

Life waits not for man, and truly, no future waits for you. You fight, no flight, you slice and dice it all out. No life is unable, no passion for naught. The future is your choice.

They speak of what they believe in, they believe in what they speak of. The cycle never falls to black; the tyranny of repetition sells your heart.

I believe in truth; in care and in love. In light beyond darkness, hearts beyond minds. In unity above battles, and in the never-ending flow of hope within the confines of all our souls – merely trapped, never vanquished.

Awake. Sing. Rejoice and smile at the beauty of this world before you fall any further. 

Pick yourself up. Never let you go.


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