Saturday, August 11, 2007


Just a corny poem I wrote today...

You don't have to shine alone my friend
Lead the lost, light the path, cease the rain
Shine, as the sun does without refrain
Shine, as the stars in the sky burn in a fiery lane

Give life, give love, lit the night
Share the love endless and the light
Take pain, take hate, take the dark
Let not the suffering make its mark

Courage you'll find along with happiness
When the love you share is endless
Through turbulent times we'll press
And the light, will never ever shine less
And the light, will never ever shine less.


Seize the day, seize the night, seize every opportunity to shine. Been thinking about that a lot. I guess thinking about all these things isn't really of much use because I always end up going round and round in circles without ending up anywhere. Guess education's not really done its part to make me a holistically better person.

Because the best things in life are all illogical.

Love's a fallacy, knowledge's all free,
It's just you and me, thanking God for the library.

Funny. I actually made those two lines sound illogically right. Heh. Gotta copyright that.

That's the gist of my whole post today, people. The best things in life are free, and it all just boils down to whether you really, truly appreciate them. Now let me phrase my message, Mastercard style.

Case 1:
Liposuction: $1000
Consultation fees: $150
Weight-loss therapy: $500
Fat-burning massage: $100

The perfect figure: Priceless.

Case 2:
Refreshing run in the park: Free
Swimming at the beach: Free
Eating less for a week: -$50
No junk food/drinks: Saving your own life and money.

The perfect figure: Priceless.

Now which one has more benefits? Heh. The best things in life are really free; love, joy, family, friends, smiles, laughs, now I know how much I've been missing out.

We can change the world, one person at a time. For our own future. Do something about it.

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